Fiduciary transactions, or trust operations, are useful for customers, who would like to entrust the firm to invest their funds confidentially and securely on its behalf. Investment can be aimed whether at the real sector of economy by providing loans, or at acquisition of share capital, securities and financial markets.
By such transaction we mean an agreement on managing your funds pursuing your interests and following your instructions. A fiduciary transaction enables funds accrued in foreign companies’ accounts to be used for personal needs or for business financing. Each transaction is a tailored solution for the particular customer.
Fiduciary transactions are composed by a fiducie contract and an alienation act. Fiducie contract is a contract whereby a party (fiuciant), confers the ownership over the object of the fiducie to other party (fiduciaire) on the condition that he will restore it to him when the period of the fiduciary transaction is respired or the purpose of the transaction is attained.
Fiduciary transactions provide a number of advantages, as compared with direct investments:
In fiduciary transactions we act as your professional manager, your investment agent, using our experience and attracting all required resources to pursue your interests.
For execution of fiduciary transactions the following requirements apply:
- the firm’s customers only may participate in the transaction;
- documents evidencing lawful source of funds to be managed should be submitted.
We are always ready to provide you necessary legal advice. We also recommend considering the opportunity of a individual investment management.