Gedamo FX Alpha is ranked #4 for the year of 2012 by BarclayHedge based on net return.
BarclayHedge is dedicated to serving institutional clients worldwide in the field of hedge fund and managed futures performance measurement and portfolio management. BarclayHedge, formerly known as The Barclay Group, was founded in 1985, and consists of a team of research specialists, programmers, and data admin personnel experienced in alternative investments.
From its origin as a research specialist and performance measurement firm, BarclayHedge has developed complete client services as a publisher, database and software provider, and industry consultant. A critical factor behind BarclayHedge's success - both in its research and consulting roles - has been the BarclayHedge Alternative Investment Database. This computerized database tracks and analyzes the performance of 6697 hedge fund and managed futures investment programs worldwide. Based on our over 25 years of experience in data collection, research and consulting services, we have established long-standing relationships with many of these managers. These relationships have proven themselves to be of great value to our clients.
The BarclayHedge Databases, the and the BarclayHedge Managed Futures (CTA) Database, serve as the basis for research reports and performance rankings that appear in BarclayHedge's various publications and directories. BarclayHedge is one of the foremost sources for proprietary research in the field of alternative investments. Much of the research is summarized in the quarterly BarclayHedge Managed Funds Report.
BarclayHedge has created and regularly updates 18 proprietary hedge fund indices and 10 managed futures indices. The BarclayHedge indices are utilized worldwide by financial media and investment consultants as performance benchmarks for the alternative investment industry.