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Safety of Clients Funds - Segregated Accounts

iStock_000008366284SmallEnsuring the safety of client funds is one of the major responsabilities of financial and banking sector.

The prerequisites for the registered companies with a supervisory bodies, like the case of Gedamo Investments, include capital adequacy, the record and report of anomalies in the operation controls and on the dissemination of information, and, moreover, the proper management of the customer relationships.
Gedamo Investments has a big knowledge due to many years of experience in risk management, and solid legal and structural guarantees.

The client funds held with Gedamo Investments are protected because maintained in separate accounts and cannot absolutely be used for business expenses (even if somebody would like to) or for other purposes or they cannot be confused with working capital.

As a consequence, in the unlikely event of bankruptcy of the company, the client funds are legally protected, bound and they can be readily and easily returned to the customer.

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